Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Youtube Comment Rater 2012 (600 thumbs to your comment) (Update :- 7 OCT 2012)


This is an exclusive YouTube comment rater bot. This will get your comment to TOP! With this software your comment will get over 100 thumbs in minutes! 

Best thing is you don't need to buy accounts!! It scrapes accounts from logs so you get unlimited thumbs up! It's free. The more you keep it open, the more thumbs you get.


Tuesday, 3 July 2012

[TuT] How To Setup Cybergate RAT v2.3.0 - Port Forward - Noob Friendly

The RAT download from : Download RAT

DUC 3.0 (no-ip.com) Download here Window's

Winrar Winrar 32bit
Winrar 64bit

Setting Up The No-IP & Client

1. Start Off By Going To; No-IP.com And Register. If You Have An Account There Already, Then Just Log In.

2. Once You've Logged In, Press "Add Host"

[Image: NOIP1.png]

3. Now It's Time To Choose Your Host Name!

[Image: NoIP2-1.png]


Hostname: Your Host Name, EG: Host Type: DNS Host (A)

Dont Care About The Rest, Once You've Choosen Your Host Name, Press "Create Host" In The Lower Right Bottom.

The Host Is Now Finished! Lets Move On To The No-IP Client.

1. The No-IP Client You Downloaded In The Beginning, Extract It To Your Desktop & Install It.

2. Now When You've Installed It, Open It Up & Log In With Your No-ip Username & Password.

3. When You're Logged In Press "Select Hosts" And Then Check That Little Box With Your Hostname.

[Image: AP2uIE.png]

--// Note: Always Have No-IP Open When You Have Cybergate Open!

There! Your No-IP Host & Your No-IP Duc Is Now Set Up! (Thanks to http://hackforums.net/showthread.php?tid=545871)

Setting up CyberGates 2.3.0

Run CyberGate's Please be sure you put the .exe file into a file as it will create file's :D

now wait 10 scounds and click I Agree..

[Image: 5mVI9.png]

Now Type in your password and click Remember Password then login

[Image: wLLaf.png]

Click login now you will be here :

[Image: DIC7H.png]

Click control center this will appear..

[Image: AT9XW.png]

Click start under power :

[Image: 3AQmL.png]

now Do This:

[Image: 58SYy.png]

1. Click The port that is "999"
2. Click Delete

[Image: EGVsH.png]

1. Put in the open port into the textbox ontop of Add
2. Once did the above click "Add"
3. Highlight the Password textbox that is above "Show Password"
4. Type in your Login Password :D
5. Click the button "Save" :D

Now click console Server :
[Image: GzL7b.png]
Now your server is created :D

PortFowarding [EASY!]

You will/would need :

Utorrent : Window's 32 and 64 bit
Linux :D

Once you have download utorrent please follow bellow! :

1. Press "Randomise Port" ONCE!
2. Type port number in for me im going to use 100
3. Go to http://www.canyouseeme.org to check if you port is successfully open :D

[Image: OfOCi.png](FOROGT TO CHANGE TO PORT 100 did after the photo :( )


[Image: leOBxb.jpg]

Hard Way... :

Follow this youtube tutorial :

Download Simple Portfowaring from : Download Simple Portfowarding

Hope you enjoyed please leave some feed back here thanks :D


Hi all!
I'll show you how to send messages on facebook from any account.

1 Make an email spoofer or you can use http://emkei.cz/

Create an account on 000webhost.com

Download TheUnknown1's E-mail spoofer from HERE and upload it on your 000webhost server.

[Image: 1-3.jpg]

2. Go to the spoofed account and copy the email adress from the Contact Information and paste the copyed email adress to the Spoofed Email.

[Image: 2-2.jpg]

[Image: 3.jpg]

3. Go to the victims account and copy its facebook name and paste the copyed facebook name+@facebook.com to the Targets Email. Works only if they made their own link if its number like 35453534 doesnt work. The slave must be online else it wont work.
You can use your own account for example.

[Image: 4-1.jpg]

[Image: 5-1.jpg]

4. Fill Reply Email: Message Title: Message Body: out in the email spoofer and click on submit. 

5. The target will get this:

[Image: 68.jpg]

Sorry for the bad text my english is bad


I know this has been posted many times. However, I have not seen a complete tutorial like this one. This is 100% my work.

This is a complete tutorial on Doxing and Reverting
(Hacking Hotmail)

For the sake of simplicity, I will be using he instead of he/she and him instead of him/her.


What is doxing?
Doxing is collecting data about the vict­im you are going to revert. This brings us to our next FAQ.
What is reverting?
Reverting is using your dox to reset the vic­tim's password using the "reset my password" form.


  1. Find a vic­tim
  2. Find everything you can about him
  3. Write it down

Step one

Find a suitable vic­tim, if he has Facebook, it is all the better. Find out what social networking sites he is registered on, it will come in handy in the next step.

Step two

Next is to find out everything you can about the vic­tim. If you want, you can even stalk him in real life. I advise you use http://pipl.com/ and http://com.lullar.com/ first because they have a very good searching system. If you want, you can try out these links:

Step three

Time to write all of that info down that you collected in step two. Here is a basic form you should fill out before attempting to revert. 

Full name:
Primary Email:
Other Emails:
IP address:
Zip/Postal Code:
Phone number:
Cellphone number:
Mother's full name:
Father's full name:
Schools attended:
Close friends:
This is not a complete list of items, you should tailor it to your needs.


Time to revert the accounts. This tutorial will only cover reverting Hotmail accounts. Try this first: https://maccount.live.com/ac/resetpwdmain.aspx?ru=https%3a%2f%2fmid.live.com%2fsi%2flogin.aspx%3fwa%3dwsignin​1.0%26rpsnv%3d10%26ct%3d1246896184%26rver%3d5.5.4177.0%26wp%3dMBI%26wreply%3dhtt​p%253a%252f%252fmail.live.com%252fm%252fdefault.aspx%26lc%3d1033%26id%3d64855%26​MspSty%3dmobile%26mspco%3d1%26mlc%3den-US&lc=1033&mlc=en-US&__ufps=795695#InitPos If that fails, try this one for a complete revert: https://support.live.com/eform.aspx?productKey=wlidvalidation&ct=eformcs

I hope I helped you in this tutorial! 

[TUT] How To Setup Your Own Shell Booter / Free Shells! + Shell Checker! [DETAILED]

How To Setup Your Own Shell Booter

Okay, so a lot of people don't want to mess around with bots and such, and want to start DDoSing, so I'm making this guide on how to get free shells, and setup a shell booter. This is great for xbox live booter and such, please note you may need a lot of shells to hit someone off, or it will take a long time. My best suggestion would be to buy dedicated private shells.

What Is a Shell Booter?

A shell booter uses a series of shells with a flood to send packets to someones router, and the router cannot handle that much packets, and simple no longer allows you to access websites for a short while. A booter can use slowloris POST, and a GET shells. GET are the best shells to use, these are the ones that are green and only have IP and time.


Natha (Me) For creating the whole tutorial, images, etc.
Natha (Me) For adding the mass shell adder to prodigies source.
Prodigy - For his source


Prodigy Source (Mass shell adder added by me): 
Shell Checker - By (Unknown, sorry I got it given to me) - This will be used later on in the tutorial:

How to Setup a Shell Booter:

Creating a MySQL Database

I am now going to walk you through on how to make a MySQL database, this is required for the booter to function, as it saves the users, passwords, shells, and so on. In the following demonstration I will be using cPanel.

Locate something relating to Databases, in this case mine looks like the following, this will look like this in all cPanels

Now, once you are here, make a name for the database, in the demonstration I will be using "desired" for the sake of this tutorial, I did change it to test after the screenshot, once again this is using cPanel, a host panel could be different.

Now scroll down, and you will see another part, this time username, and password of the database, I used test for this tutorial, and a password of test, you can use anything you desire.

Now, a bit down select the two you made, and click add, this will add them together.

Once you've proceeded with that, you will be prompted with a menu of privledges, click all privledges like shown below, that's MySQL done for now.

Uploading and Editing your MySQL Database Information

Once downloaded the source, zip the folder called source and upload it to your desired host, booters are blocked on hosts such as 000webhost, I personally use offshore web hosting which can be found here: http://www.onebesthosting.com.

Once uploaded extract the source.zip and enter the folder. Find and locate dbc.php, now edit it like I have shown below, click the spoiler to locate the image. Replace the information with your MySQL information you have just created as shown above, make the user and name the same for less confusion.

Importing the SQL Database / Configuring It.

Now go to your host panel or cPanel, in this case I am using cpanel, and locate PhpMyAdmin, and open it.

Now, click your database on the side, and click the SQL tab above.

Now, the file you downloaded, go into the folder (On your desktop, not host) and locate dbprepare, and open it, Control + a (select all) and then Control + c (Copy), now go back to MySQL and paste it in the SQL box, scroll up and scroll down a little bit, replace the name with your DB name. Click go. Done!

Now, we're up to the last part of setting up the booter, go to http://yoursite.com/source/register.php obviously replace yoursite, with your own domain, and register yourself a new account. Once completed go back to PhpMyAdmin, and go to the users table. Like shown below.

Now find approval on the side, and find user_level, change user_level to 5, this puts you as administrator, and approval to 1, this makes it so your account is approved, like shown below.

Complete! Now login to your booter at http://yoursite.com/source/ you've successfully setup your booter! Now to get free shells.

Getting Free Shells From Pastebin!

Open ShellChecker.exe, the link I have provided above, that you downloaded before, and go to pastebin.com, or pastie.org. Or other pastebin sites that allow search.

In the search box type one of these in, open them until you get a big list.





Once you've found a list, go to the bottom, and copy it all, from the little box, and paste it into the first collum of your shell checker like shown below.

Once that's done, click start, after the scan has started it will supply you will 100% working shells! This program is great! You will need a lot of these though, as some shells may be weak, I still recommend buying or asking for private dedicated shells for the booter to work best.

TCP are POST shells, UDP are GET shells.

Please please rate this thread 5 stars and comment if it helped you in anyway! 

FILE EXTENSION EXPLOIT! Make .exe look like a jpeg, mp3 or whatever you like! *HOT*

This tutorial will show you how to make your .exe (or .com/.scr) files look like .jpeg/.mp3 or any other filetype! By normally changing the extension to e.g .mp3, will corrupt your file, but with this exploit your file will still be executable!


1. I have my server.exe, but I want it to look like a mp3 file, so people would run it. In this case, you should change the .exe to .scr to make it look more legit in the end.

Now, rename your server.scr (which is still executable) to "songname uploaded by .SCR" (notice the space).

2. Now it's time to use the exploit! Open up the Character Map:
Scroll down and find the "U+202E: Right-To-Left Override" character:

Click "Select" and then "Copy".

3. Now choose to rename your file, and paste the copied character right before the ".SCR" (press ctrl+v to paste)

Then type "3pm" (without the " ") and press Enter. Now it should look like this:

Done! Obviously you might want to change the icon to look like an mp3 before doing this..

A short video can be found here:
- [MediaFire]
- [MultiUpload]
- [Youtube]
(Watch in HD + Fullscreen)


Most browsers have patched this, but it can be used on IM's like MSN or Yahoo Messenger. To upload the file to a filehost, you need to make a .rar file with your server inside.

Now go ahead and mix around with .exe/.scr/.com and the fake-extensions to find some other legit-looking combinations!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! :blackhat: 

Also, here's a .pdf explaining the exploit: http://dl.packetstormsecurity.net/papers/general/righttoleften-override.pdf

And PLEASE say 'Thanks!' if you find this tutorial useful!


Those who can't find the character in the default CharMap in windows, do this: (not sure if it works but worth a try)

1. Download BabelMap and run it.

2. Open this picture:

- Make sure "Single Font" is ticked and "Arial Unicode MS" is chosen as Font.
- Search for OVERRIDE and click on the RTLO character (row 2020, column E)
- Click on the Select-button
- Click on the Copy button

[GET] ☆★☆ Mark Zuckerberg's - Youtube Account Cracker! ☆★☆ FREE

Mark Zuckerberg's Youtube Account Cracker

[Image: 39ba3fa1333714fb5249326f306bb35d.png]

[Image: e47384751c97535aa091eb838c94c89d.png]

[Image: fe37f56fdd657e6c8b4d183d1fbc0cc6.png]

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